The words of the LORD are pure words. —Psalm 12:6a


Two Tables of Stone

When God made a covenant with Israel, he gave them two tables of stone. Why two? Each of them apparently contained all ten commandments. When a covenant was made, each party would get to keep a copy of it. But in this case, the words of the covenant were entirely supplied by just one party, God, and both copies were given to the other, man.

The implication: God’s word is wholly his, and it is wholly given to man.

A Beginning

Welcome to the start of an adventure! I don’t yet know how exactly God will lead us, or how he will work through this ministry, but I believe that he is prompting me to make a start. So here we go! The mission is very simple: restore godliness to the church through the word of God, starting from the book of Psalms.…