The words of the LORD are pure words. —Psalm 12:6a

Lesson Audio Now Available!

I’m happy to announce that some of the audio from my teaching on the book of Psalms is now available for anyone to listen to. I have also included my sermon notes in PDF format, for those who would prefer to download and read them.

The bad news is that I don’t have any audio for the first 11 Psalms. I don’t even have typed notes for the first 6 and a half Psalms. So at present the lessons start with Psalm 12. (Update: I am currently in the process of reassembling my notes and recording these lessons. I’ll be publishing them as they are completed.)

The good news is that Psalm 12 is the heart of this study, and is what prompted me to create The Psalms Project. The earlier Psalms are important, of course, and I intend to record them eventually. But Psalm 12 is absolutely vital, so I praise God that I began recording the lessons with Psalm 12 without knowing that I’d be posting that audio here!

Before you jump right into the audio, there are a few things that I should tell you about the format of each lesson.

Psalms is a prophetic book, but each Psalm may also be tied to a historical event in David’s life as well. In order to understand each Psalm thoroughly, I study it from both perspectives. Thus each lesson starts out from the historical viewpoint, and then once that has been expounded I go back and review the same verses to show their prophetic significance. If you download the sermon notes, you’ll notice that some parts are italicized. These are the notes that relate to the prophetic aspects of the passage.

After each lesson we also have a time of discussion as a family. I sometimes include parts of this in the audio as well, when I feel that it adds value to the lesson. This means that at times you may hear my mother or sister asking questions. The Bible says:

1 Corinthians 14:34 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law.
35 And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.

Because we are having this study at home as a family, we permit the women to speak, because in this case they are asking at home. 🙂

Hopefully you will enjoy learning these truths from God’s word as much as we have. If you have any questions or comments, you’re welcome to contact us. God bless!

Go to the Audio »

P.S.— I should note that in this study I may use the term salvation differently than we usually use it today. That is because the Bible doesn’t just use that term to refer to being born again. In fact, salvation in the Bible almost always refers to a physical deliverance from something, like Israel being delivered (saved) from their enemies. This is the way that it is used in the book of Psalms, and that is reflected in this study. So don’t conflate every use of salvation as being a reference to the gospel. (This issue was addressed in the earlier chapters, but I wanted to make a note of it here since those sermons aren’t available yet.)

Update: In some of the lessons I mention a plan to study the book of Hebrews. If you’re interested in the audio or notes from that study, you can find them here: Hebrews verse by verse.


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